Azure Spring Apps pricing

Fully managed Azure Spring Appsservice, jointly built and operated with VMware

Azure Spring Apps makes it quick, safe, and easy to deploy and operate Spring Boot applications in the cloud.

For each app instance in the Basic Tier, Azure Spring Apps charges for one 'Basic vCPU and memory group duration' which includes 4 GB of memory and 2 vCPUs. When you exceed either, or both, of the capacities included in the 'Basic vCPU and memory group duration', you will be billed for the actual additional usage based on the total 'Basic Overage Memory Duration' and 'Basic Overage vCPU Duration'. The first 50 vCPU-hours and 100 memory GB-hours are free each month. The first 50 vCPU-hours and 100 memory GB-hours are free each month.

For each app instance in the Standard Tier, Azure Spring Apps charges for one 'Standard vCPU and memory group duration' which includes 12 GB of memory and 6 vCPUs. When you exceed either, or both, of the capacities included in the 'Standard vCPU and memory group duration', you will be billed for the actual additional usage based on the total 'Standard Overage Memory Duration' and 'Standard Overage vCPU Duration'. The first 50 vCPU-hours and 100 memory GB-hours are free each month. The first 50 vCPU-hours and 100 memory GB-hours are free each month.

Pricing details

Standard consumption plan

For each app instance in the Standard Consumption plan, Azure Spring Apps charges for requests and resource allocation measured in vCPU and gibibyte (GiB). Applications scale on-demand based on requests and events. App instances are billed for active usage when they are running. An application can be configured to scale to zero instance when there are no requests or events to process. No usage charges apply when an application is scaled to zero.

You can optionally configure Apps in the Standard Consumption plan with a minimum number of app instances to be always running in idle mode. When an application scales down to its minimum number of app instances, usage is charged at a reduced idle rate when an app instance is inactive. An app instance enters active mode and is charged at the active rate when it is starting up, when it is processing requests, or when its vCPU or bandwidth usage are above the active billing thresholds 1 .The first 50 vCPU-hours, 100 memory GB-hours and 2 million requests are free each month and shared in Azure Container Apps Environment.

1 An app instance is active when vCPU usage is above 0.01 cores or when data received is above 1,000 bytes per second.

Standard consumption plan pricing (preview)

Standard consumption
vCPU active usage / second ¥1.01109
vCPU idle usage / second ¥0.126384
Memory active usage / second ¥0.126384
Memory idle usage / second ¥0.126384
Requests / million ¥2.9256
^ Monthly free grant 50 vCPU-hours
100 memory GB-hours
200 million requests
^ Monthly free grant is shared with Azure Container Apps.

Eureka and Spring Cloud Config server pricing (preview)

Meter Price
Eureka ¥0.954 per hour
Spring Cloud Config server ¥0.954 per hour

Azure Spring Apps pricing

Base price ¥1.968/hour ¥5.16/hour
Included vCPU and Memory 2 vCPU, 4 GB 6 vCPU, 12 GB
Overage vCPU price ¥0.521/vCPU/hour ¥0.55/vCPU/hour
Overage memory price ¥0.0587/GB/hour ¥0.0623/GB/hour
*Monthly free grant 50 vCPU-hours
100 memory GB-hours
50 vCPU-hours
100 memory GB-hours
Max App instance size 1 vCPU, 2 GB 4 vCPU, 8 GB
Max App instances 25 500
Highly available Azure Spring Appsruntime -
Custom domains / SSL -
VNET integration -
Blue/Green Deployment -
* Monthly free grant is shared among Basic, Standard, and Enterprise tiers.

Complete details

Max App instance size 1 vCPU,2 GB 4 vCPU,8 GB
Max App instances 25 500
Highly available Azure Spring Appsruntime -
Persistent storage 1GB per app, up to 10 apps 50GB per app, up to 10 apps
App management
Deploy from Source -
Deploy from *Jar
Manually scale in/out or up/down
Start/stop/restart/delete applications
Rolling update -
Azure Spring Appsruntime
Externalized configuration in git
Service registration and discovery
Blue/Green Deployment -
Monitoring & Diagnostics
Log stream
Azure Spring Apps Diagnostics
Metrics and logs in Azure Monitor
Distributed tracing
VNET integration -
SSL termination
Custom Domains -
Managed identities for Azure resources
Encryption at REST
Development Tools
Maven plugin
IntelliJ plugin
CI/CD integration
Service binding with Azure services
Programming languages and frameworks
.NET Core/Steeltoe
* Spring Boot uber JAR


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